For the love of scrapbooking, welcome!! I'm excited to share layouts, conversations, and everything this common ground brings my way!

Friday, January 7, 2011

This layout is one of my faves of the girls! The picture was taken in the summer of 2010 at Wilderness Village.

To embelish this layout, I used random embroidery thread, compliments of my mom:) I layered different colors/sizes of flowers, which are a staple in my scrapbooking.  The clear ribbon adds a hint of something fun along with the 'Beautiful' rub-on. Really, who cares about the embellishments though, look at those beautiful girls!!


  1. Great work, but not really work when it is a passion of love.

  2. Thanks so much Lynne! It truly is not work, although if I could do it for a living I would in a heartbeat!
